Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello, Again... (part two)

Remember Dan... the boy that I made myself sound so lame in front of on my walk home from class a few weeks ago? (If not go read 'Hello, Again... in my October posts!)

Well.. ran into him today.

So the story goes--
I was at the gym. I had just gotten there and had gone upstairs to the track. There are a few bikes, elliptical machines, and treadmills on each end of the track. I prefer going up there because there are less machines, meaning less people. I was planning on jumping on one of the bikes after a few walks around the track to loosen up a bit. I, of course, had my earphones in, listening to The Strokes Pandora Station which I had just created yesterday (if you do not have this Pandora station--your life is not complete). I had gotten about half way around the track when he comes up on my left side from behind me (yes this whole coming up out of no where seems to be his thing). I look over and my thought running through my head is *omg, it's him again. Kaila, don't make yourself sound as lame as last time, please.

I take out my earphones so I can hear him (also seems to be a recurrence).

Me: Hey!
Dan: Hey, how are you?
Me: I'm pretty good, sorry about our last conversation, I made myself sound kinda lame. Promise i'm not usually like that.
Dan: No, you're all good, don't even worry about it. ... What are you listening to?
Me: Actually, i'm listening to The Strokes station on Pandora, I just started listening to them Thursday, but I love them.
Dan: Never heard of them, let me see. (*He takes my earphones and puts one in his ear to listen.) not bad, pretty chill.

I then asked him what kind of music he listened to. We talked about music, the gym, and what we've been up to lately. He is seriously one of the nicest, easiest persons to conversate with. I could totally be best friends with him. Before we went our separate ways (for him to finish his workout, for me to start mine) he asked me for my number again.

Dan: I don't think I got your number.
Me: No, you totally did last time.
Dan: (*Looking through his phone for my number) I have a Kaila, but it's not you. What's your number again?

I proceed to give him my number, again. He did in fact have my number, he just had it under Kailyn or Kaitlin-something of that nature.

I still can't believe I ran into him again, and that he recognized me. I was looking a mess with my hair up, not showered, with my left over makeup on from yesterday. But i'm glad that I was able to hold a decent conversation without making myself sound stupid!

Hope you all have a good week-
xoxo, Kaila.

Disclaimer: No, I am not interested in him romantically. I'm not really at a point in my life where I am looking for anyone. I'm just really into meeting new people and learning about them. Here's to making new friends! :)

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