Sunday, January 5, 2014

15 by '15

With last year ending, and the new year beginning plenty of people across social networking sites have declared what they are going to leave in 2013, and more importantly what they are going to set out to achieve in 2014. Some people chose one thing, others chose many. I know a couple blog posts back I, myself, had come up with a few things that I wanted to become better at in the new year (see 'New Year, New You?'). But over the last week or so I got to thinking and I came up with more of a 'bucket list' to set out to complete by the end of the year. You guys all know how much I loooove bucket lists, or any kind of list for that matter. :) 

So, this brings us to my----

15 by '15

1. Spend an entire day phoneless. 
This shouldn't be as hard as it probably will be. I've wanted to do this for quite some time now, and I'm not really sure why I haven't just yet. Oh, and 'phoneless' also includes social networking sites (since I check them regularly via phone), saying goodbye to Twitter, Facebook, and texting for an entire 24 hours will probably (& sadly) be difficult at first. 

2. Find a new job. 
It seems only fitting now that my hours have been cut at work. I wanted to start buckling down and applying to new jobs that will help me pursue a career once the new year started anyway, and with the extra time I will now have on my hands I hope that I can make something happen before too long! 

3. Get a passport.
Never have I ever left the continental USA, but I don't plan for it to stay that way forever. I figure if I go apply for a passport and wait the however many months it takes to get it, it will be less stress to worry about in the long run. Not to mention, if I spend the money on it now, I won't have to worry about that extra expense when I am planning a getaway to Paris or Cabo. I'm not sure that I will be able to put this passport to good use this year, but I hope to in the next few years, and if it so happens to be sooner than expected, at least I will be ready! 

4. Reinvent my wardrobe. 
Now that college is over and my T-shirts and sweatpants can only make an appearance on the weekends, I have realized how I am in desperate need of a wardrobe makeover. I have been working a business casual job since May so it's not that I have nothing, but I definitely feel that I need more. Most of my clothes are black and grey, so I definitely need to add color to my closet. Not only do I want better clothes for work, but I want nicer, cuter things for when I go on all those dates i'll be getting shortly (at least the movies have led me to believe that that is what happens in your 20's)...

5. Become a Big Sister. 
No, I don't mean my literally becoming a big sister, I am already one of those anyway. I want to become a Big Sister through the non-profit organization Big Brothers Big Sisters. Ever since I interned with them over the summer it is something I have wanted to do. I was scared by the whole '12-month minimum commitment' because I didn't know where I was going to be or what I was going to be doing. Now that 7 months have passed since graduation and I have realized that I won't be packing up my bags to move to Los Angeles anytime soon, I feel as though now is just as good as a time as ever to sign up. If I happen to land a job across country then I guess I will deal with it then, but for now I want to pursue this goal. 

6. Go on a shopping spree. 
The idea of a shopping spree sounds like too much fun. My shopping spree obviously won't be a $20,000 one, but I think I can still have fun with a $500 one!

7. Go on a wintertime vacation. 
I want to do the whole Colorado-or-Lake-Tahoe in-the-middle-of-winter-thing. You know, pack your warmest winter weather gear, rent a cabin, ride a ski-lift, buy a pair of snow goggles, drink hot chocolate back at the lodge. I'm pretty sure I will fail miserably when attempting to ski, but it's something I want to try. I figure one day spent skiing and then the rest on the back of a snowmobile, hahaha. 

8. Redesign my room. 
I've been wanting to redesign my room since I moved back home in May. I've done a pretty good job at the de-cluttering and getting rid of useless things around my room. I know that I could end up in my own apartment in not too long, but my room has been the same way since the beginning of high school, or even earlier. I have an idea of what I want it to look like, and my Mom is on board, so i'm hoping once spring begins I will be able to get these plans rolling. 

9. Make new friends. 
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with my current friends (other than the majority of them not living in the same state as me anymore). Meeting new people and making new friends is fun, and I hope that with a new job and more volunteer opportunities that I will be able to do just that! 

10. Read 15 books. 
I love reading, but with being in school I didn't find too much time to do it leisurely. Usually when I find a good book I read it in the matter of a day or two, and I usually go into periods were I read 3 books in a row and then for whatever reason don't pick up another book for months. I'm excited to get back to reading, there's just something about getting lost between the pages in someone else's world. I wasn't sure what number to set for this goal, so I decided to just keep the 15 theme. 

11. Pay more of my loans off than the minimum requirement.
I am lucky enough to not have to pay rent for now while living at home. I hope to use that to my advantage when it comes to paying other bills. With my loan payments looming over my head (the first payment being due next month) I hope that I can make payments higher than the minimum each month. Nothing too outrageous, maybe just $100 extra a month. 

12. Plan a trip to somewhere new. 
One item on my bucket list is to travel to all 50 states... if I ever want to accomplish this I need to continue to travel, travel, travel! I love going new places and seeing new cities. I want to make sure that I plan a trip to a new state, a new city, a new place within the next twelve months. 

13. Build/create something. 
I'm not sure what it is that I will create yet, but I want it to be something cool! I've thought about maybe building some type of nightstand or shelving unit to use as an organizer. Or maybe creating artwork that is worthy of hanging up as a main focal point in my room. 

14. Explore somewhere new-locally. 
Traveling is very important to me, but I think it is equally important to explore what is around you. We often forget about all the nature and different places that are right at our fingertips that we have yet to discover. Think of all the surrounding towns that are no further than 30 minutes away that you haven't even dabbled in yet. Whether it be a small town farmers market, or a bike path with beautiful scenery, I want to discover something new-locally. 

15. Take a class... or two. 
I haven't decided what type of class I want to enroll in yet. Maybe it will be a class through the park district or maybe through a college or maybe through an organization. Maybe i'll sign up for another Spanish course, or a yoga class, or a pottery class, or salsa dancing for beginners. The options are truly limitless and this item on my list really excites me! I'll be keeping my eyes open as well as researching what all there is out there to take part in. 

Now, what's your 15 by '15? 
