Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Things That I've Learned... (about me & about the world...okay, just me)

  • In order for me to get anything done it needs to be written down on a list. My plans for the day, the errands I need to complete this week, the things I need (want) to buy... etc. etc. As long as it is on a list it has a much higher chance of getting completed than if it isn't on one. Oh, and I can not make said lists on my phone. It just doesn't work like that. Handwritten til the day I die. Scribbled in my planner, on post-it notes, a receipt I found on the floor of my car, the Dunkin' Donuts napkin I got with my medium pumpkin-white chocolate iced coffee (the day they return will be glorious)... really anything that the ink of my pen will show up on is fair game. & yes my pen. No pencils. Ever.
  • Okay, my lists vary from things I need to get done to cute puppy names, places I want to travel, topics I want to do some Google research on, and all the Spanish words I know & can think of (I did this one a couple weeks ago on my lunch break). I guess I just really like lists.
  • I also really like things to be in order. Sharing a desk at work is one of the hardest, yet eye opening experiences. An experience in which I wish I did not have to partake in.  I didn't realize how much I need things to be in their place and how everything needs to look neat. Yes, this means the stapler needs to be put back exactly where it belongs [precisely 2 centimeters to the right of the tape holder].
  • Life is expensive. Life is fucking expensive.
  • Traveling is the most worthwhile and satisfying thing that I can invest in. Seeing new places, observing new groups of people, hearing different accents, and trying different foods are a few of the benefits. Traveling produces memories that you will always have. You may even find a place that better suits your personality than the place you reside in currently. Traveling leaves you with tons of pictures as well as those moments (my favorite) when you see something on the news/in a movie/on a show and you can say 'I know where that's at! I've been there!' I swear those moments are just the greatest.
  • When I find a song I like I go to Youtube and play it over and over. Then for the next 3 weeks I'll continue to put it on repeat while I try to fall asleep at night.  
  • Topics blow up on social media... from harmless little videos to the latest global news stories. Regardless of what it is, everyone always has an opinion. No harm in that, I am included in this. I just choose to keep mine more under wraps than some others. It's not because I am ashamed of my opinions, because I am not, just as you shouldn't be of yours. I just will not blast it all over my social networking sites. Unfortunately, more often than not, the people that consistently post their opinions on the internet are the same people that read one article and think that they know everything there is to know on the topic.
  • Speaking of social media and videos... anything remotely heartwarming has me in tears. Whether it be a video of paying for 4 boys to attend college or the video of those 2 humans reuniting with Christian the lion... all tears over here.

Okay guys, I have lots more from where that came from, bbbbbutttttttttt I've been staring at a computer all day and I don't currently have eye insurance (post-grad life) so I really can't afford to need glasses anytime soon.

Good vibes to you & yours