Thursday, December 13, 2012


Does it ever amaze you how much knowledge there is out there in the world? We could go to school for our entire lives and still know only a fraction of everything there is to learn. It kind of freaks me out to think about it. I want to know as much as possible; not because I want to be a know-it-all, but because I find so many different topics to be interesting. I always say that I will continue to obtain an education even when I grow up (haha). Even if it's just one course a semester, I want to be able to take classes that interest me just for the hell of it. But I do know that life gets really hectic and you work long hours, have children to take care of, etc, etc. 
For the last two weeks I've kind of been obsessing over starfish (I know-random). So... when one wants to learn about something obviously they turn to Google :) What would we do without Google??! I sure did learn a lot too! They are no longer scientifically known as 'starfish', but as sea stars instead. The reason behind this is that they do not meet the requirements to be considered a fish. I am going to continue to refer to them as starfish throughout this blog, just so you know. They also don't have brains or blood! I've got my money on them for surviving any type of vampire takeover or zombie apocalypse. They can reproduce asexually by a female starfish laying eggs and the male later fertilizing them. Another fun fact is that if a starfish loses a limb that limb can grow a whole other starfish from it! Crazy. Oh & baby starfish are too cute. But anyway, since I was researching starfish I of course ran across pictures of jellyfish, sea cucumber (now those are weird), and other marine life. I then started thinking about how cute & fascinating other aquatic animals are such as otters, whales, baby seals, and of course sea turtles. Maybe I chose the wrong major, what if I should actually be studying marine biology?! Hmmm... maybe I should tell my parents that I want to transfer to a coastal school and see if that's what my calling is. Just Kidding. Wayyyyy too close to graduation for all of that, hahaha. And anyway, who am i kidding-- i'm terrified of sharks. 

I should probably graduate and find a job before I dip my feet in anything else (yes, i crack myself up), 

xoxo Kaila