Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Reflection.

Well it's the end of another month... unbelievable.

& with it being October that means Happy Halloween!

Something that I decided to start this month was setting monthly goals. I came up with the idea about a week into the month, so October was my trial run. I decided to set two goals for myself. I decided on two per month instead of one to give me a better chance at success. Just looking out for myself, haha. I figured if I only gave myself one goal and I didn't happen to complete it I would probably feel like I have failed. & I didn't want that to stop me from continuing on. Although I guess setting two goals could also set me up for more failure if I fail to complete either one. But anyway, I'm sure you get the picture!

My October Goals:

1. Use my planner, consistently! 

2. Work on being a better listener. 

Now, you might ask, was I successful?!

Use my planner, consistently!: 
Okay, maybe if I left out the 'consistently' I would be able to say I have successfully completed this one. Unfortunately, I did include consistently, and I sure have not used my planner consistently. BUT I do always take it to class with me and I open it about once a week, we can focus on the positives, right?! My problem is is that I will write in it about once a week, and I'll write down everything I should be doing or working on that week, but I never remember to go back and look at what I have written down and planned out. Maybe a few sticky notes around my room could help me with this! I will continue to work on this goal until it hopefully becomes consistent.

Work on being a better listener: 
I knew that I needed to work on being a better active listener. I have a problem of looking at my computer or phone when someone is telling me something. I promise I am still listening and 9 times out of 10 I can recite back what it is you were talking about. But I know that being a good listener you must actively demonstrate that you are listening and that the person talking has your full attention. Another problem I have when listening is I cut them off before they are done expressing their point. I'm not intentionally trying to be rude, it was just so habitual. I love talking, so I figured I needed to tell them how I had a similar experience or story before they were even done telling me their story.
This month, I made it a point to always look away from whatever it is I am doing in order to show the person that they do in fact have my full attention and I am genuinely interested in whatever it is that they want to discuss or talk about. I try to keep reminding myself that there is going to be time for me to talk after the other person is done talking. I realized that sometimes friends just need to vent, and even though you don't have the answers for them, a listener is all they are looking for.
Initially I didn't tell my friends what my goals were, and about halfway through I brought it up to a few people.
One of my roommates and one of my best friends told me that they had noticed that I was being a better listener and they meant to tell me---  SUCCESS! I was super excited to hear this!

I think it's important to make realistic goals in order to guide me in the direction of becoming a better person. We all have things that we can work on and improve on, and by setting goals we are able to begin accomplishing these things in a realistic, timely manner.
I am so glad that I decided to start doing this, and even though this was my first month, I am already learning more about myself by admitting and facing my faults.

I encourage others to do this, it's a great feeling when you are able to see a difference for the better in yourself!

Stay tuned for my November goals :)

xoxo Kaila

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