Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hello, Again...

Wow, it's been over two weeks since I lasted posted! Time surely does fly because it definitely hasn't felt that long. These past two weeks have been good ones. I'm not sure anything major has happened, but I have been happy and have somewhat gotten more into the groove of school.

There was one thing that happened to me about a week and a half ago, I'll share the story because it basically sums up my life.

So it was a rainy Wednesday (October 17th) and I was walking back to my apartment after class. I was wearing jeans and a black hoodie, i had the hood up because it was drizzling a little. My earbuds were in my ears and I was listening to some Coldplay Radio on Pandora. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a boy who came up behind me and was now walking next to me. It only took me a few seconds to realize he was talking  to me. I took out one of my earbuds and this is how our conversation went:

Me: 'Sorry, what?'
Him: 'Oh, i was just saying I liked your outfit.' (*My first thought was that this is some kind of joke, because like I mentioned before i was wearing jeans and a black hoodie)
Me: '..........Thanks.' (*I did a quick glance backward to see if his friends were following us, because I was sure this had to be a joke.)
Him: 'I noticed the purple, i like it.' (*Okay--he won some cool points here, my favorite color is purple, and I was, in fact, wearing a purple shirt that was peeking out underneath my hoodie)

I smiled, and was about to put back in my earbud and be on my way when he asked me another question.

Him: 'So where are you headed?'
Me: 'Just back to my apartment.'
Him: 'Are you done with classes for the day?'
Me: 'Yeah, i just got out of my last class for the day. What about you?'
Him: 'I'm headed back to my apartment right now, but I have class all day, and then I have to go to the library for like 3 hours tonight to get some studying done. --I'm sorry what was your name?'
Me: 'I'm Kaila, and you?'
Him: Dan. (*Here he outstretched his hand for me to shake--i just looked at it for few seconds before saying--)
Me: 'No, that's weird.'
Dan: 'What?'
Me: 'Well if we were going to shake hands it should have been at the beginning of the conversation, not now. That's weird.' (*REALLY KAILA?? Why do you have to be so awkward...the poor kid is just trying to be courteous.)
Dan: 'What, do you think, i'm going to like shock you or something if you shake my hand?' (*this in fact was the first thing that had gone through my head!)
Me: 'Kind of..'

I eventually shook his hand, and he being the good sport he is, faked a shock when he shook my hand. This sounds lame, but it was funny, not sure how to explain it through text though. So hopefully your imagination works well. He continued making conversation with me, while most of my answers were awkward and short. I had no idea I was so horrible at conversating with someone completely random. Just wait though, the best is yet to come...

Dan: 'So what do you and your friends like doing for fun?'
Me: 'uhm... we just hang out.... and talk about how we hate everything...' (**OKAY, SERIOUSLY?! Way to make myself [and my friends] sound so lame... I quickly try resurrecting myself--) 'I mean, not really, just kidding, i don't know I guess we just hang out and talk..'
Dan: 'Uhm are you sure you're just kidding? Now looking at your black outfit i'm not sure you are.' (*He was saying this jokingly.. he really was great at conversation and trying to make it comfortable even when I was making it really awkward hahaha, bless his soul.)
Me: 'What do you and your friends do?'
Dan: 'We do a lot of different things, we go off campus to eat, for the most part we are pretty spontaneous, we just do whatever comes up.'
Me: 'Oh yeah, me and my friends are spontaneous too.... except nothing ever comes up for us...' (*LOL, i seriously think this was just the cherry on top of it all... I have no idea what I was thinking when I was saying these things.)

When we get to a point where we are both about to turn into different directions he asks me for my phone number.

Dan: 'If you give me your number I can give you some ideas on what you and your friends should do.' (yeah, he was slick like that).
Me: '630-999-xxxx. '
Dan: '999.. hmmm.'
Me: 'Yeah it's fake.'  (I did, in fact, give him my legitimate number, and yes it is 999, I guess I just figured I needed to make it more awkward with this comment.)
Dan: 'Sooo... should I just put your name as Rejection Hotline?'
Me: 'Yeah, probably.' (*Okayy Kaila--people don't understand that you are super sarcastic upon meeting you...Oops...)

I then turn to walk away, and over my shoulder say 'Have a Nice Day', to which he replied 'You Too'.

So basically to sum it all up, I am sooooo awkward!!!!! & the poor boy probably thinks that I hated him and that I gave him a phony number. When in reality he was so nice and pretty hilarious too.

If I ever run into this Dan character again, I promise to say sorry, and hopefully start all over.

Oh, my life.....


  1. Lmao! Are you serious Kay?? Hahahahaha this is too funny. He seemed like a nice kid. I hope you do bump into him again. Stop being so weird and standoffish! Lol

    1. I know, I know. I'm ridiculous, and i've always wanted to make random conversation with strangers... I guess I first need to learn how to. lol
      but I do hope I run into him too!

  2. Lol! Kaila's got some pegue... hookin' them boys with the hoodie look ;)
